Fix Windows has encountered a critical error – 5 Solutions

When the “Windows has encountered a critical error and will restart in one minute” message appears, you are left with no option but to reboot your computer. This error is quite rare and occurs when Windows sustains significant damage to its core files. In such a scenario, the Windows operating system becomes incapable of managing the damage and presents you with a one-minute countdown before initiating an automatic restart of your computer.

   Important Notice:

Before attempting any critical fixes on your Windows OS, it’s crucial to recover and store your data in a safe place. EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard comes to the rescue for recovering data from a crashed PC.

No matter if you’re facing the dreaded blue screen of death, startup failures, or boot problems, this tool enables you to boot up your PC and recover your precious data effortlessly. So, be sure to use EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard to safeguard your files before proceeding with any fixes!

Note: Free Version allows you to recover upto 2GB Data.


Multiple factors can trigger the occurrence of the “Windows has encountered a critical error and will restart in one minute” message and some of the most noteworthy causes are outlined below:

  1. Corrupted System Files: The presence of corrupted Windows system files, such as dll files and sys files, stands as a primary catalyst for this error message. These file corruptions can significantly contribute to the issue.
  2. Incompatible or Outdated Drivers: A prominent secondary cause behind this error is the usage of incompatible or outdated drivers. These drivers, when not in sync with the system’s requirements, can give rise to the aforementioned error message.
  3. Virus Infections: The infiltration of a critical virus can lead to extensive damage within various system files, services, and integral Windows functionalities. Such infections can subsequently trigger the appearance of the critical error message.
  4. Hardware Failures: An additional factor that can prompt the same error message is hardware failure. Instances like the malfunctioning of RAM, SSDs, motherboards, and other hardware components can all contribute to the emergence of this error.

By identifying and understanding these underlying causes, users can take proactive steps to address the root issues and potentially prevent the recurrence of the “Windows has encountered a critical error and will restart in one minute” message.

How to Fix “Windows has encountered a critical error and will restart in one minute” error.

In this article, there are some solutions are described which will help you to fix this problem.

Method 1: Fix using the PC Repair Tool

As mentioned above this error occurs due to corrupted system files, outdated or incompatible drivers, incorrect registry entries, outdated OS, etc, you can fix all these problems by doing a single click on a good PC optimizer tool.

Windows is made with huge number of dll files, exe files, sys files, various types of services, databases, etc so, it is not possible to keep monitoring all the files always. A brilliant PC Optimizer tool repairs damages, fix errors, update windows and drivers, and eliminate various types of errors silently.

Outbyte PC Repair Tool does all the above task easily and provides you an errorfree and smooth Windows environment to work so that you can focus on your business only.

3 Steps to Fix this Error
Step 1. Download Outbyte PC Repair Tool [File Size: 16.4 MB]
Step 2. SCAN your Windows PC
Step 3. Click Fix button to Repair Error

Method 2: Repair Corrupted, Outdated, Missing or Incompatible drivers.

Sometimes, after installing apps, games, or drivers, the above error may suddenly appear. This is typically due to either the driver’s incompatibility with your operating system or the presence of missing or corrupted files within it. To address this problem, you have two potential solutions: downloading a fresh version of the application from the official website or utilizing a Driver Repair tool to resolve any driver-related issues.

The majority of Windows issues arise from corrupted, outdated, missing, or incompatible drivers. However, with DriverEasy, these problems can be effortlessly resolved. DriverEasy automatically scans, installs, or updates drivers, ensuring that your system remains up-to-date and optimized.

DriverEasy - Windows Driver Updater
Detects all missing, outdated & mismatched drivers. All drivers certified, and direct from manufacturer.
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Method 3: Use Kaspersky Rescue Disk to remove Viruses and Malware

If viruses or malware infect the core system files, their removal becomes challenging due to their integration with multiple Windows services, mimicking authentic processes. In such cases, employing a Kaspersky Rescue Disk is imperative to effectively eliminate virus, trojan, or malware infections deeply embedded within the core Windows files.

Kaspersky Rescue Disk - Step by Step

Step 1: Download the Kaspersky rescue disk from the official Kaspersky website or using the following link:

Step 2: Make a bootable USB/DVD drive using the Rufus/Win32 Disk Imager.

Step 3: Boot your PC using the Bootable USB Drive.

Step 4: Update the Antivirus database first.

Step 5: Run a System Scan and follow the instructions on your PC’s screen.

Method 4: Upgrade your OS to a higher version.

Upgrading your operating system to a higher version can serve as a potential solution for resolving the “Windows has encountered a critical error and will restart in one minute” issue. If you are currently using Windows 8 or 10, performing an in-place upgrade of your operating system is recommended. This process ensures that your files and applications remain unaffected while elevating your OS to a superior version.

Method 5: Use System Restore

Utilize System Restore as a method to address various Windows startup issues, including the occurrence of the “Windows has encountered a critical error and will restart in one minute” message. To initiate System Restore, follow these steps:

System Restore - Steps by Steps
Step 1: Open the Advanced Startup Option or Windows Recovery Environment. Go to the Troubleshoot ➜ Advanced options ➜ System Restore.


Step 2: Click Next and then Select Date.

select system restore from the list

Step 3: Click on Finish to start Restoring process.


To rectify the “Windows has encountered a critical error and will restart in one minute” message, you can employ several corrective techniques. These include repairing corrupted system files, addressing driver issues through updates or fixes, and eliminating malware or viruses from your system.