How to Fix KB5028185 Failed to Install issue on Windows 11

If you are facing issues installing the 2023-07 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 (KB5028185), this troubleshooting article can help you resolve the problem. Some users have reported that the KB5028185 update gets stuck during the installation process.

If you are one of the users facing the issue of failed Windows updates, here are some troubleshooting methods that can help you fix the problem.

Solution 1: Fix using the PC Repair Tool

Many times, it has been observed that the Windows update failed issue occurs due to corrupted or missing system files, bad registry entries, outdated drivers, problems in the Windows update folder, or the presence of malware or trojans on your PC. It is advisable to use a reliable PC optimizer tool to maintain the good health of your Windows operating system.

Windows is made with huge number of dll files, exe files, sys files, various types of services, databases, etc so, it is not possible to keep monitoring all the files always. A brilliant PC Optimizer tool repairs damages, fix errors, update windows and drivers, and eliminate various types of errors silently.

Outbyte PC Repair Tool does all the above task easily and provides you an errorfree and smooth Windows environment to work so that you can focus on your business only.

3 Steps to Fix this Error
Step 1. Download Outbyte PC Repair Tool [File Size: 16.4 MB]
Step 2. SCAN your Windows PC
Step 3. Click Fix button to Repair Error

Solution 2: Restart your computer.

Restarting is often a reliable solution for various electronic devices. In the case of the “KB5028185 update failed” issue, try restarting your computer and then attempt to install the updates again.

Solution 3: Run Windows Update Troubleshooter.

Step 1: Find Windows update troubleshooter in Windows 11 and 10. Click on the Start menu and search for Troubleshoot Settings. Open the first search result as below:


Step 2: Click on Other troubleshooters.


Step 3: Locate Windows update and click on the Run button to start the troubleshooting process.


Step 4: It will take a few minutes to complete and show the result. If the troubleshooter couldn’t fix your problem, then move to the next method.


Allow the troubleshooter to scan for issues and apply the recommended fixes. Once the troubleshooter completes its process, restart your computer, and try updating Windows again.

Solution 4: Check for sufficient disk space.

Make sure that there is sufficient disk space available to install the latest Windows updates. If you see a red mark on your Windows Drive, free up some space by removing or moving larger files to another drive. Additionally, run the Disk Cleanup tool to remove unnecessary files from your computer.

🔗 Fix Windows Error 0x80070070 – Not Enough Disk Space

After creating some space on the Windows drive, run the chkdsk utility to fix any file system errors.
SFC, DISM, and CHKDSK are a powerful set of commands that can effectively fix Windows files and corruption issues. You can run all these commands as follows:

Step 1: Open commands prompt as administrator.

open command prompt as administrator in Windows 8, 10 & 11

Step 2: Run the following commands step by step.
sfc /scannow

dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

chkdsk c:
Step 3: Upon completion of the process, make a reboot.

Solution 5: Reset Windows Update Components.

This is one of the best methods to fix any kind of Windows Update error. This method always works and starts the Windows update process again. Follow the guidelines and reset the update folder.

Step 1: Open Admin Command Prompt. Click on the Start menu and search for cmd. Right-click on it and select Run as administrator.

Step 2: Now execute the following commands.
net stop bits
net stop wuauserv
net stop cryptsvc
ren %systemroot%\softwaredistribution softwaredistribution.bak
ren %systemroot%\system32\catroot2 catroot2.bak
net start bits
net start wuauserv
net start cryptsvc
sfc /scannow

After completing the process try to download and install updates and you will see that all the Update files have started to download again.

If you want to reset Windows updates more deeply, visit the following articles.

Solution 6: Try installing updates in Clean Boot Mode.

A clean boot starts Windows with a minimal set of drivers and startup programs, which can help identify and resolve software conflicts. Here’s how to do it:


Solution 7: Manually Download and Install KB5028185

If none of these steps resolve the issue, you can also try downloading and installing the update manually from the Microsoft Update Catalog. Search for the KB5028185 update for Windows 11, download the appropriate version for your system, and install it manually.

Following article can help you to fix Windows update fails error on Windows 10/11.

🔗 Additional ways to install updates in Windows 10/11
🔗 Windows update failed to install – 19 Ways to Fix it!
🔗 Sorry we couldn’t install this update, but you can try again – Windows 11/10
🔗 How to Fix Windows 10 Version 22H2 (KB5022834) Update Error


If you are facing trouble in installing the KB5028185 Update package on Windows 11, you can reset the Windows update folder, run update troubleshooter, or install KB5028185 file manually to resolve the Windows update failed problems.